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All Items Thrifted

I'm running thirty minutes late for a weekly appointment. This is actually and improvement from how late I usually am. Time management is not my forte. The appointment is for Dubdub Studios. This really cool opportunity I was I was approached with a few months ago. I'm sure I mentioned it in an early post.

I met up with Todd, he's the one who helps me create the videos and a few of the photos. And we created what you see above. I'll be honest, I was loving the wig at first... but not so much now. Aside from that I think this video turned out pretty bad ass!

It's tough out here trying to be a fashionista when you're broke as fuck. But I'm determined to make this work. Thank god for thrift stores. I have no idea what I'd do with out them. Today's outfit, from head to toe, is brought to you by various stores throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn. What do you think? Is the thrift life doing me justice?

Until next time,




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